Learn about DANA, a digital wallet popular with customers from Indonesia. #
DANA is an Indonesian digital wallet with over 30 million users. It is an all-in-one app that allows users to safely make cashless and cardless payments for everyday usage. With Dana, it’s possible to pay online, in-store, and make mobile top ups and bill payments.
特徴 #
通貨の処理 | IDR |
決済通貨 | 米ドル |
最低取引額 | 100 IDR |
最大取引額 | 300,000,000 IDR |
払い戻し | ✅ |
一部払い戻し | ✅ |
複数回の一部払い戻し | ❌ |
チャージバック | ❌ |
統合方式 #
支払い方法の列挙値: dana
There are two integration methods for DANA
- ダイレクトAPI
- チェックアウト
ダイレクト API #
支払いの流れ #
- For direct API integration, after creating payment intent by OpenAPI, customers will be redirected to DANA login page
- The client logs in to his/her DANA account and completes payment
- Payment succeeds and the client is redirected back to the page you designated
統合の方法 #
A PaymentIntent is an object that represents your intent to collect payment from your customer and tracks the lifecycle of the payment process. Create a PaymentIntent on your server and specify the amount to collect and a supported currency. If you have an existing Payment Intents integration, add dana to the list of payment method types.
"payment_method_data" : {
"id": "pi_1646356544343769088",
"object": "payment_intent",
"created": 1681356963000,
"currency": "IDR",
"amount": 100,
"status": "requires_action",
"livemode": true,
"client_secret": "pi_1646356544343769088_secret_m58mCj87dL3cj5JiUOtbdx2e",
"next_action": {
"type": "redirect_to_url",
"dana_handle_redirect": {
"url": "https://m.dana.id/m/portal/cashier/checkout?bizNo=20230413111212800110166041377848845×tamp=1681356963277&originSourcePlatform=IPG&mid=216620000562418247453&sign=LY3%2FomMnXVJqk9uEOZJopCnSb%2FBDk64I9nIhBZdHc3wi%2Fo%2BcIVCBmCWTacAxHv%2BAKV0auNlCbkyrKvdK2B1X7aoiDv2dxO%2BAfdc7dkmny4FzOJ%2BrxNBmWerSkoexkEw1u52TMIWwLnDzwXYiGTsrs%2Bhzkew4okaJ2w9i4hMJh%2FLDRym0XwYaX9h7N0MCkrXYNY%2FfrEdY8BW%2BazU2wYWdDH%2B4fkgSs7D9YxXj%2Fu2eon2JaGuWYht93piOji22pGW9hD1ubH1vi4lZwFfp96Lp1fsgzV2uvRv6d8CTXSQw%2Fg9oeI3jFXw1bHqBZocv51QZl3AfKvXauWBSVClj4CziDw%3D%3D&forceToH5=false"
"payment_method_types": [
"confirmation_method": "automatic",
"return_url": "https://your.website",
"payment_method": "pm_1646356544205357056",
"capture_method": "automatic"
チェックアウト #
支払いの流れ #
- Customer selects DANA from the list of payment methods available and clicks on the Pay botton
- Customers will be redirected to DANA login page
- The client logs in to his/her DANA account and completes payment
- Payment succeeds and the client is redirected back to the page you designated
セッションの作成 #
"cancel_url": "www.wooshpay.com",
"mode": "payment",
"success_url": "https://wooshpay.com/",
"payment_method_types": [
"line_items": [
"price_data": {
"currency": "IDR",
"unit_amount": 20000,
"nickname": "apple",
"product_data": {
"name": "apple"
"billing_scheme": "testscheme",
"lookup_key": "test_lookup_key"
"quantity": 1
"id": "cs_1676131330724724736",
"object": "checkout.session",
"created": 1688455825000,
"livemode": false,
"currency": "IDR",
"customer": "",
"mode": "payment",
"status": "open",
"url": "https://checkouttest.wooshpay.com/pay/cs_test_1676131330724724736?key=pk_test_NTE2MjA5NzY5MzgxOTk5NDUyMTYxOnhXNjdQQ3JndjBVZ04wcVVwNk5yaG9PdjE2NzUzMDU5OTc0NTI",
"cancel_url": "www.wooshpay.com",
"line_items": {
"object": "list",
"data": [
"id": "li_1676131330754084864",
"object": "item",
"currency": "IDR",
"description": "apple",
"price": {
"id": "price_1676131330766667776",
"object": "price",
"created": 1688455825000,
"livemode": false,
"active": true,
"currency": "IDR",
"nickname": "apple",
"product": {
"id": "prod_1676131330783444992",
"object": "product",
"created": 1688455825000,
"livemode": false,
"active": true,
"name": "apple",
"updated": 1688455825000
"type": "one_time",
"unit_amount": 20000,
"billing_scheme": "per_unit",
"lookup_key": "test_lookup_key"
"quantity": 1,
"amount_subtotal": 20000,
"amount_total": 20000
"payment_intent": "pi_1676131330947022848",
"payment_method_types": [
"payment_status": "unpaid",
"success_url": "https://wooshpay.com/",
"amount_subtotal": 20000,
"amount_total": 20000,
"billing_address_collection": "auto",
"expires_at": 1688542224918,
"payment_link": "",
"client_secret": "pi_1676131330947022848_secret_ENUbfvBKA7zljcENnlrG3K7q"
次のステップ #
ウェブフックの作成 #
払い戻しの作成 #