
概要 #

Accepting SEPA Direct Debit payments on your website consists of:

  1. Creating an object to track a payment;
  2. Collecting payment method information;
  3. Mandate acknowledgment;
  4. Submitting the payment to Stripe for processing.

WooshPay uses this payment object, the PaymentIntent, to track and handle all the states of the payment until the payment completes.

SEPA direct debit transactions have a limit of 1,000 EUR each.


統合方式 #

チェックアウト #

Determine compatibility #

To support SEPA Direct Debit payments in Checkout, Prices for all line items must be expressed in Euro (currency code eur).

EU countriesAT, BE, BG, HR, CY, CZ, DK, EE, FI, FR, DE, GR, HU, IE, IT, LV, LT, LU, MT, NL, PL, PT, RO, SK, SI, ES, SE
EEA CountriesIS, LI, NO
Countries that have bilateral agreements with EUAD, SM, MC, VA
Other SEPA-supporting countries (supported EUR-denominated accounts only)PF, TF, GI, GG, IM, JE, BL, PM, CH, GB, WF
Presentment currencieseur

Accept a payment #

Use this guide to learn how to enable SEPA Direct Debit—it shows the differences between accepting a card payment and using SEPA Direct Debit.

Enable SEPA Direct Debit as a payment method

  1. Add sepa_debit to the list of payment_method_types.
  2. Make sure all your line_items use the eur currency.

統合方式 #

サーバーからサーバーへ #

PaymentIntentの作成 #

すでにPayment Intents APIを使用して統合している場合は、PaymentIntentの支払い方法の種類リストにsepa_debitを追加してください。


    "amount": 2000,
    "currency": "EUR",
    "confirm": true,
    "payment_method_options": {
        "sepa": {
            "iban": "DE12500105170648489890"
    "payment_method_data": {
        "type": "sepa",
        "billing_details": {
            "address": {
                "country": "DE"
            "email": "john.doe@fake.id",
            "name": "John Doe"
    "return_url": "https://wooshpay.com"

Test your integration #

Wooshpay provides test numbers you can use to make sure your integration is ready for production.

Use the SEPA Direct Debit test numbers when testing your Checkout integration with SEPA Direct Debit.

Test IBAN: DE12500105170648489890
