



在中国,现金不再是绝对的王者。托马斯-胡德(Thomas Hood),在最近的北京之行中遇到了各种支付难题。

In China, cash is no longer the absolute king.


受访者: 一到北京,我就遇到了一些付款问题。有一次,当我把一位顾客带到 Emil 的住处时,账单上的金额高达 $2500。我试图付款,但遇到了困难。

通常情况下,收到我的卡的商家会告诉我他们不接受这种卡,并询问其他付款方式,如 银联微信支付.这让我很沮丧,但幸运的是,我的客户很通情达理,提出了另一种付款方式。


80% of daily transactions in China are conducted through mobile phones. Whether it’s shopping, paying utility bills, or government fines, all are seamlessly handled through mobile payments. In fact, living in China without using mobile 付款方式 can be extremely inconvenient. Historically, tourists were excluded from this payment ecosystem as linking to major platforms like WeChat required a local bank account.

80% of daily transactions in China are conducted through mobile phones.

受访者: 游客往往面临支付难题,因为他们需要当地银行账户才能连接微信等主要支付平台。有些人可能会尝试使用现金或依靠当地朋友协助付款。



WeChat Pay and Alipay now accept international credit cards, providing tourists with more payment options.

受访者: 现在 微信和支付宝接受国际信用卡使游客的支付更加方便。他们可以在商店购物,在餐馆付款,甚至预订汽车或自行车。这些支付平台不仅是支付工具,还支持酒店、外卖和购物等各种服务,使一切都变得更加方便。考虑到外国游客在中国的超级便利性,他们实际上可以像当地人一样享受这些服务。

Considering the super convenience for foreign tourists in China, they can practically enjoy these services like locals.

受访者: 作为一名商务旅行者,我还需要跟踪我的商务支出,以便真正了解我的总体数字支出。这对中国本地商家也有好处,因为这可以让他们卖得更多。有时,游客会因为支付不便而放弃购物,例如不知道如何使用移动支付、忘记携带现金或找不到自动取款机。

 As a business traveler, I also need to track my business expenses to truly understand my overall digital spending.

受访者: 因此,我认为中国政府正在实施刺激国内销售和消费的计划,具体做法是 让支付更便捷从而对经济产生积极影响。


受访者: I tried linking my card to WeChat to see how user-friendly the process is. I downloaded WeChat from the App Store, navigated to “Settings” in the “Me” section, entered my information under “Payment Tools and Methods,” and successfully linked my card. While this process was smooth for me, not everyone has the same experience. Some may encounter difficulties due to less user-friendly application interfaces for foreigners.


受访者:此外,微信和支付宝还设定了交易限额,如单笔交易限额为 6000 元人民币,年度总限额为 6 万元人民币。这可能与中国的外汇限制有关。建议游客在离开中国前设置好自己的账户,以便 避免潜在的付款问题。

国际化 中国的支付系统

受访者: 总体而言,中国的支付生态系统正朝着更加国际化的方向发展。这对游客和商务旅客来说都是一个积极的变化。然而,要取得最大效果,仍需解决某些问题,如航班和签证便利性。虽然边境已经重新开放,但真正的恢复还需要一些时间。展望未来几年,中国的发展方向充满希望。
