SEO Checklist: Building an SEO-Friendly Website from Scratch (Part 2) 

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In the previous article, we explored how to build an SEO-friendly website using WordPress. Now, let’s delve into the next important aspect: establishing a technically solid foundation for search engines to discover and index your content.

Step 3: Ensure Your Website Has a Strong Technical Foundation

Once you complete your website construction, use Google Search Console (GSC) to scan your site and resolve any potential technical issues. GSC is a powerful tool that helps track your website’s performance in Google search results.

GSC provides the following key features:

  1. Find Website Errors: GSC helps you promptly identify and correct technical issues on your website, such as 404 errors, redirect problems, etc., to ensure the health of your site.
  2. Discover Opportunities to Improve User Experience: Through GSC, you can monitor key performance metrics like page loading speed to find opportunities to improve user experience and enhance website usability.
  3. Submit Sitemap: You can use GSC to submit a sitemap of your website, helping search engines more effectively index your site’s content.
use Google Search Console (GSC) to scan your site and resolve any potential technical issues.

Additionally, GSC shows your website’s ranking in Google search results and highlights important keywords driving traffic. This information helps optimize content and strategies. It’s a powerful tool for understanding and improving your website’s performance, boosting rankings, and attracting more visitors. Access Google Search Console here.

Step 4: Website Content Optimization

To improve search engine rankings and maintain regular content updates, consider using SEOquake. This powerful tool analyzes and optimizes website content for better search engine rankings.

Key features of this tool include:

  1. Page Information Analysis: Provides basic information about the current page, such as title, description, and keywords.
  2. Keyword Density Assessment: Displays the frequency of keywords appearing on the page to ensure their proper usage.
  3. Internal Link Audit: Shows the quantity and quality of internal links on your website, helping you understand the internal linking structure.
  4. External Link Overview: Provides information about external links, including their quantity and quality.
  5. SEO Audit Tool: Performs a comprehensive SEO audit to detect potential technical issues and optimization opportunities.
  6. Social Media Metrics: Displays social media shares and interactions for the page.
better search engine rankings.

By using SEOquake, you gain valuable insights into your website’s content and structure, identify issues, and develop optimization strategies for improved search engine positioning. It helps enhance visibility and rankings.

SEO is complex, requiring specialized skills. To ensure optimal optimization, choose professional agency services.

WooshPay offers top-notch SEO services. With over 10 tailored services focused on building an SEO-friendly website, we consider technology, content, and market perspectives to make your website stand out. Our services prioritize overall accessibility and user experience for long-term organic traffic.

WooshPay offers top-notch SEO services

Choose WooshPay’s professional SEO services for a comprehensive and sustainable solution. Contact us now to achieve greater SEO success.

Stay tuned for our upcoming article on advanced techniques like keyword research, internal linking strategies, acquiring high-quality backlinks, and utilizing analysis reports to monitor and improve SEO performance. These techniques further enhance rankings and visibility in search results.